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What is vtes-hook about

Hello my fellow Nosferatu,

welcome to the Herold of the oldest kindred event page. We collect information's about online and offline vtes events.

We analyze tournaments, championships and all the sweet little secrets around the table.

If you wanna be a part of our network, then sign up and add your user account. All for free.

And if you just want to take a look around, take your time and enjoy what you will find. If you have some ideas about what we can make better, please let me know.

Our Network has: 77 Events with 506 active Players and 1416 Decktypes with 5668 Decks in 1235 Games.
For mor details check our statistic page or check our Event overview page.

Latest News


DOMINATE: online league via Lackey and Discord

An new event will be added to our collection:
More details will shown here => https://vtes-hook.com/vtes/event-summary/show-events/172-dominate-league-2021
About the event: Read more ...

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About us

We are a small, creative and motivated team to enforce vtes.

  • Martin Weinmaier (event manager EU)
  • Igor Beslin (event manager EU)
  • Kai Kimmerle (developer)

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  Mo-Fr: 18.00 - 21.00

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Dark Pack
Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit white-wolf.com.
JyhadTM, Vampire: The Eternal StruggleTM and all game symbols are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,Inc. and White Wolf, Inc. All World of Darkness related terms are trademarks of White Wolf, Inc.This product is not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. or White Wolf, Inc. Design and Impressum Kai Kimmerle