Create player signature

Hi, my little Nosferatu.
It's not easy to keep secrets. So if you want to let other kindred get some information or make someone famous.
Generate a signature and use it in a forum, at your website wherever!

And the best: It's for free!

1 Choose Player by Name or VEKN Number:

2 Choose Design:

3 Choose an Avatar:

4 Choose 3 Disciplines:

5 Create Signature

Deck Overview

Deck List

Show all Decks
Deck Title Type Created Autor Created date Hits
Anson Gun 2019-08-11 Deck Martin Weinmaier 2019-08-14 Views: 037900
Demo: Toreador Deck Brett Schofield 2019-08-05 Views: 038457
Garou Rim: Dawn Operation Deck Esa-Matti Smolander 2019-08-08 Views: 036581
Illuminati TWD 2019-12-28 Views: 037140
Lasombra S&B with Noctorn Deck 2019-08-05 Views: 038331
Revenge of Capuchin Deck 2019-08-05 Views: 038271
Spanish Ladies AV Deck Kragujevac, Serbia 2019-08-08 Views: 037745
Stanislava TWD Martin Weinmayer 2019-08-08 Views: 041792
Tremere Cardano Combat Deck 2019-08-05 Views: 041723
Ventrue Anti Law Firm Deck Kai Kimmerle 2019-08-05 Views: 037555
Ventrue Law Firm Deck Kai Kimmerle 2019-08-05 Views: 039874
Victoria´s Secret TWD Martin Weinmayer 2019-08-09 Views: 037540
Weenie Dementation Bleed TWD Martin Weinmayer 2019-08-09 Views: 038896

Discord Overview

Here you will find an overview of all known Discord Servers and URLs

# Server Name Server Link Server Admin added time
1 VEKN Discord Server   2020-11-05



Event overview 
ID Event Name Orga Country Player VPs GWs Games last game next game
1 Bochum 2019 blackkn8 Germany 12 41.5 8.0 11 2019-05-10  
2 Dont Cry for Pentex League2019 BeslinIgor Europe 30 34.5 7.0 8 2019-06-24 2019-06-17
3 Rhein Main 2019 blackkn8
Germany 11 116.5 18.0 31 2019-06-05 2019-02-27
4 1. Lackey VTES tournament BeslinIgor Internet 19 41.0 9.0 9 2016-02-20 2016-02-20
5 ANZ Pacific League 2018 BeslinIgor
Internet 21 54.5 8.0 14 2018-12-23 2018-11-25
6 American Summer League 2018 blackkn8
United States 19 70.0 9.0 18 2018-08-27  
7 American World Championship League 2018 angrynewb
United States 34 172.0 33.0 42 2018-12-10 2018-11-26
8 Blood Wars 2018 angrynewb
Internet 12 27.0 6.0 7 2018-02-07  
9 Bochum 2018 blackkn8 Germany 16 124.5 22.0 32 2018-12-21  
10 Christmas 2017 angrynewb
Internet 11 25.0 6.0 6 2018-01-02  
11 Christmas 2018 BeslinIgor
Internet 11 22.0 3.0 5 2018-12-30 2018-12-30
12 Crazy April EU league 2019 BeslinIgor
Europe 30 63.0 12.0 15 2019-04-29  
13 Danse Macabre 2018 angrynewb
Internet 15 31.0 6.0 7 2018-04-23  
14 Dark friday league 2019 BeslinIgor Internet 19 42.5 9.0 11 2019-03-10  
15 European Summer League 2018 blackkn8
Europe 19 60.5 12.0 15 2018-09-06  
16 European World Championship League 2018 angrynewb
Europe 41 205.5 33.0 47 2018-12-10 2018-12-03
17 February EU league 2019. BeslinIgor Europe 24 42.5 8.0 11 2019-02-24  
18 January EU League 2019 BeslinIgor
Europe 25 55.5 9.0 14 2019-01-28 2019-01-20
19 Living on the Edge blackkn8 Germany 16 48.0 10.0 12 2019-01-05 2019-01-05
20 May EU league 2019. BeslinIgor Europe 30 65.5 8.0 17 2019-06-02 2019-05-27
21 NAC Tune-Up League 2019 BeslinIgor United States 18 33.5 6.0 8 2019-06-07  
22 Relentless Reaper 2018 angrynewb
Internet 20 40.0 6.0 9 2018-11-11  
23 Rhein Main 2018 blackkn8
Germany 8 67.0 9.0 18 2018-12-19 2018-09-12
24 Spring NA League 2019 angrynewb
Internet 21 81.0 13.0 21 2019-03-26  
25 Twilight of the Damned 2018 angrynewb
Internet 15 33.0 7.0 7 2018-02-15  
26 VTES-Lackey-Test blackkn8 Germany 6 43.0 11.0 12 2019-05-04  
27 VTES-Lackey-Test 2018-LIGARTP Maximilian
Germany 6 25.5 6.0 7 2019-05-13  
28 World Final 2018 angrynewb Internet 5 5.0 1.0 1 2018-12-16  

HooK Ranking

The HooK Rating

We maintain a rating for each registered player which provides an estimate of the player's experience in his or her tournaments. Also, we maintain performance statistics for each player as well (number of games, GW, VP). Each player's rating is based only on events attending in the preceding 12 months.

Each player has a rating represented by a single number. This number is sometimes referred to as RtP (rating points).

A player will be removed from the rankings after 12 months of inactivity (no rated tournament rounds played), but the player's rating and other statistics will be kept indefinitely (to be used when and if the player plays again).

A player's rating is the sum total of several values computed for each of the tournaments in which he or she plays, as described below. The most points are awarded to the players who finish first and second in the tournament, but all players accumulate points for games won, victory points achieved, and even for simply attending.

  • 5 RtP for each tournament attended.
  • 4 RtP for each VP (victory point) scored.
  • 8 RtP for each game won (GW or final round victory).
  • X RtP for finalists. X is computed based on the size (number of players) of the tournament and the final standing (winner or finalist) of the player. A higher bonus is awarded for making the finals of a Continental or National Championship than for other tournaments. See below for the actual computation.

Finalist Bonus

The finalists get additional rating points (RtPs) computed as follows. A number based on the finishing (winner or finalist) is multiplied by a coefficient which is designed to factor in the level of competition. The coefficient is based on the number of players in the tournament and the type of tournament.


Final Standing

Winner 90
Finalist 30
Non-finalist 0

Coef = log15(NumPlayers2) - 1

(For a 15-player tournament, the coefficient is 1. More players mean a larger coefficient. Fewer players mean a smaller coefficient.)

  • For a national championship, 0.25 is added to the coefficient.
  • For a continental championship, 0.75 is added to the coefficient.
  • For a world championship, 1.0 is added to the coefficient.

The number of points from the table above is multiplied by the coefficient to determine the number of additional rating points awarded to the finalist. For example, in a qualifier with 50 players, the coefficient is

log15(2500) - 1 + 0.25 = 2.889 - 0.75 = 2.139

So the winner there gets a bonus of 2.139 * 90 = 193 rating points (plus normal points for winning the round and for each victory point scored).

See the Player Registry for the current ratings of all players.

Make your own Signature is online

Hello my fellow Kindred,

I'm proud to present to you our new create your own Signature tool.

It is for free and easy to use.

If you are playing at one of our reported tournaments, then enter your name.

Choose a signature background, your "favorite Card" and up to three disciplines.

Et voila.... you will get you own signature what will be up to date with each table you play online and will be here reported.

Create your own signature page

Relaunch of is done!

Rise of a new age

Hello fellow Methusales,
a few may know me and my project. But today I'm proud to present our new page.
Igor, Martin and I are working hard to bring vtes to your home.
And now we bring you many more. 
I create the hook-page to store all table information from event's I recognize. And today is the day to present you the new design of! No registration and "hostile take over" is needed anymore. You can but not must fill out a registration ;-).

All event information I get (online and offline) will be stored and published for everyone who is interested in vtes! 
All of the 

  • game results, 
  • Deck success and losses
  • Player seats and so on will be visible.

show all events

Event overview 
Event Name 
Orga Country
1 Liga Mayo 2023 de Piedra Bruja Chile 16 5.0 26.5 7 2023-05-18    
2 1. Lackey VTES tournament Internet 19 9.0 41.0 9 2016-02-20    
3 4 Eternal Nights 2020 Internet 14 4.0 26.5 7 2020-09-20    
4 ANZ Pacific League 2018
Internet 21 8.0 54.5 14 2018-12-23    
5 American Summer League 2018
United States 19 9.0 70.0 18 2018-08-27    
6 American World Championship League 2018
United States 35 33.0 172.0 42 2018-12-10    
7 Anarch Forever 2023 Internet 14 6.0 31.0 7 2023-02-12    
8 Atlantic Cup 2022
Internet 54 23.0 139.0 30 2022-05-22    
9 Atlantic Cup XXI Internet 101 53.0 269.0 59 2021-06-06    
10 Barcelona, it was a pleasure Internet 11 3.0 19.5 5 2023-11-05    
11 Beltane Tournament 2021 Internet 6 3.0 14.0 3 2021-05-08    
12 Blood Sorcery league 2023 Internet 19 11.0 52.0 12 2023-02-05    
13 Blood Wars 2018
Internet 12 6.0 27.0 7 2018-02-07    
14 Bochum 2018 Germany 16 22.0 124.5 32 2018-12-21    
15 Bochum 2019 Germany 22 25.0 137.0 34 2019-12-20    
16 Bochum 2020
Germany 8 4.0 26.0 7 2020-03-06    
17 Bye Bye Una League 2019. Europe 40 15.0 88.0 22 2019-09-10    
18 Camarilla Revolution league 2020
Internet 37 15.0 85.0 20 2020-04-27    
19 Carfax Abbey league 2023 Internet 25 11.0 55.0 13 2023-05-14    
20 Christmas 2017
Internet 11 6.0 25.0 6 2018-01-02    
21 Christmas 2018
Internet 11 3.0 22.0 5 2018-12-30    
22 Crazy April EU league 2019
Europe 30 12.0 63.0 15 2019-04-29    
23 Creeping Sabotage,Go,Go! 2020 Internet 10 4.0 21.5 5 2020-12-12    
24 Danse Macabre 2018
Internet 15 6.0 31.0 7 2018-04-23    
25 Dark friday league 2019 Internet 19 9.0 42.5 11 2019-03-10    
26 Deflection league 2023 Internet 22 11.0 47.5 12 2023-12-17    
27 Dominate league 2021 Internet 27 12.0 62.0 14 2021-10-17    
28 Dont Cry for Pentex League2019 Europe 43 18.0 97.0 23 2019-07-22    
29 European Summer League 2018
Europe 19 12.0 60.5 15 2018-09-06    
30 European World Championship League 2018
Europe 41 33.0 205.5 47 2018-12-10    
31 Event for my friend test test Germany 7 2.0 8.0 2 2019-08-11    
32 February EU league 2019. Europe 24 8.0 42.5 11 2019-02-24    
33 Fritos Virtuales 3 Spain 3 1.0 3.0 1 2020-05-03    
34 GOLD YEAR 2019 Internet 12 5.0 21.5 5 2019-12-08    
35 German Lackey Group - Covid-19 Casual-League
Germany 18 32.0 220.5 54 2020-07-22    
36 Hunger of Marduk 2023 Internet 14 6.0 31.0 7 2023-04-02    
37 January EU League 2019
Europe 25 9.0 55.5 14 2019-01-28    
38 Lackey Multi Deck 2019. Internet 12 4.0 23.5 6 2019-09-22    
39 Liga Palta o Aguacate Internet 25 14.0 76.0 18 2023-08-28    
40 Line Brawl league 2023 Internet 23 9.0 49.0 11 2023-03-19    
41 Living on the Edge Germany 16 10.0 48.0 12 2019-01-05    
42 Magdeburg lackey meeting Internet 4 1.0 3.5 1 2020-06-01    
43 May EU league 2019. Europe 30 8.0 65.5 17 2019-06-02    
44 Miercoles De Sangrados Internet 13 7.0 37.5 9 2024-06-12    
45 NA Summer Lackey VTES League 2019 Internet 18 9.0 51.5 13 2019-09-17    
46 NAC Tune-Up League 2019 United States 18 6.0 33.5 8 2019-06-07    
47 National Championship Mexico 2020 Internet 16 12.0 53.0 13 2020-12-27    
48 New Year Dawn 2021 Internet 17 8.0 37.0 9 2021-01-02    
49 New Years Rumble Internet 20 8.0 43.5 9 2022-01-02    
50 Not Unique Vampires league 2020
Internet 58 38.0 216.5 51 2020-06-22    
51 Orleans Pyre Internet 7 3.0 34.5 11 2020-06-05    
52 Platinum Protocol league 2022 Internet 27 13.0 61.0 13 2022-02-06    
53 Port Hunting Ground Poland 5 1.0 5.0 1 2020-01-25    
54 Quartely Quarantine League Vol. I.
Germany 16 13.0 105.0 26 2021-03-26    
55 Quarterly Quarantine League Vol. II
Germany 18 20.0 113.5 27 2021-06-25    
56 Relentless Reaper 2018
Internet 20 6.0 40.0 9 2018-11-11    
57 Rhein Main 2018
Germany 8 9.0 67.0 18 2018-12-19    
58 Rhein Main 2019
Germany 17 29.0 191.0 51 2019-12-28    
59 Rhein Main 2020
Germany 5 4.0 21.0 6 2020-02-12    
60 Rhein Main 2021
Germany 8 9.0 47.5 14 2021-11-24    
61 Spring NA League 2019
Internet 21 13.0 81.0 21 2019-03-26    
62 Stealt vs Intercept 2023 Internet 22 8.0 43.5 10 2023-01-08    
63 Storyline Summer League 2020
Internet 31 15.0 81.0 22 2020-08-28    
64 Summer Rumble 2020 Internet 16 5.0 26.0 7 2020-06-27    
65 Summer Rumble II 2020 Internet 10 2.0 20.5 5 2020-07-25    
66 Summer Rumble III 2020 Internet 10 4.0 22.0 5 2020-08-08    
67 Summer Rumble IV 2020 Internet 13 4.0 26.5 7 2020-08-22    
68 Test new crypt contest rule league 2020
Internet 31 17.0 87.0 22 2020-02-23    
69 Tester Event
Bulgaria 7 6.0 34.5 10 2019-09-22    
70 Training EC 2019 Germany 6 2.0 16.5 4 2019-07-28    
71 Twilight of the Damned 2018
Internet 15 7.0 33.0 7 2018-02-15    
72 UK COVID Lockdown Lackey Bleedfest 2020 Internet 18 7.0 39.0 9 2020-06-13    
73 V5 for Vendetta 2021 Internet 30 9.0 60.0 13 2021-01-30    
74 VTES Online World Championship 2019
Internet 46 28.0 147.0 37 2019-11-30    
75 VTES Online World Championship 2020 Internet 102 65.0 338.0 81 2020-11-28    
76 VTES Online World Championship 2021 Internet 57 30.0 137.5 31 2021-12-11    
77 VTES-Lackey-Test Germany 6 11.0 43.0 12 2019-05-04    
78 VTES-Lackey-Test 2018-LIGARTP
Germany 6 7.0 30.5 8 2020-07-20    
79 Walk of Flame 2021 Internet 20 8.0 42.5 9 2021-04-18    
80 Welcome Ministry and Banu Haqim Internet 18 8.0 38.0 9 2021-12-19    
81 World Final 2018 Internet 5 1.0 5.0 1 2018-12-16    
82 join the darkness Germany 8 5.0 21.0 5 2021-10-10    
83 5 1.0 5.0 1 2020-04-16    

show Event

Quarterly Quarantine League Vol. II



Min Games to be qualified:  6
RP forumula:  Best of 6 Games! Calculation: (rounded to 2 decimal places) = ( ( ( 8 * GW + 4 * VP ) ) + Finalist Bonus + Finalist GW Bonus )
Finalist Bonus formula:  53.84312
Tournament Winner Bonus formula:  161.52936
Log Modificator:  0
For more details please check the offical rating system.

Player Name 
Sum of Games 
Sum of GWs 
Sum of VPs 
Sum of Rps 
Last game 
User qualification 
6MacReadyGermany1219.551Substitude 1
7MenteithGermany1016.539Substitude 2

show Event Statistic

Deck Statistic: Quarterly Quarantine League Vol. II